Why Do Western Brides Wear White Dress On Wedding? | History Of Wear White Dress | The Real Reason

Our bride dresses are attracted to many colors, but if you look at the western society, then you will see every bride dressed only with a white color on the occasion of marriage - do you know why happens? If not, then let us tell you

Some people look at the white wear of this white color and believe that it is probably part of Christianity and it is considered a symbol of cleansing, but it is nothing like that.

Indeed, the white color between the eighth and the ninth was considered a sign of wealth and luxury, because at that time these colors used to be used only - its main reason was that there was no proper way to wash clothes. And everyone did not afford to wash clothes

People used to wear colorful clothes so that if there is a fairy, they are not obvious to the stains, and some clothes can be consumed without a wash-less contrast on the white-colored clothes, some even more significantly It gets

So in the past, white-colored clothes used to be only rich people or their bride wearable clothes, which point to a lifestyle life-

During this time, the tradition became common and embedded in the community to the extent that the white dress of Western brides became part of their culture.


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