Amazing Facts About World | Interesting Facts About World | Amazing Facts About World In Urdu/Hindi

The world is filled with interesting facts that most people don’t know. While most of them won’t play a part in making your life more successful, they are still fun to learn and always a great topic for conversation. Do you remember Cliff Clavin from the old television show Cheers? That character was played by John Ratzenberger and he completely nailed the role for many years. Cliff was always sitting at the bar next to fellow regular Norm Peterson. Whenever someone brought up a topic of conversation it always reminded Cliff of some useless, yet interesting fact. Everyone in the bar would just laugh at him and wonder where he got all of the information he knew.

When you get finished reading this you can be the Cliff Clavin of your neighborhood or work space. Because you will have all kinds of interesting information that not many people know. When you share it they might not pay attention to you, but I promise that they will think about it later.

For instance, do you know what day was one of the busiest in Domino’s history? Were you aware of a different kind of pizza delivery service that is available in Alaska? Do you really know what color a zebra actually is? Read on and find out those interesting details along with several others!

Marissa Mayer, who is the CEO of Yahoo, became the first ever female to be employed by Google. That happened back in 1999 and she turned it into a pretty nice career.

Getting married in Manhattan will cost you an average of $80,000. It's the highest cost of the average wedding in the United States.

Did you know that there are 93 MILLION people in China with the name Wang? That's insane. It's by far the most popular name in the country.

Every single year there are about 50 million people that are injured in car accidents around the world. So you wanna go for a ride?

The first police force ever in Australia was made up of the country's most well behaved convicts. That's not a bad idea!

Everyone talks about the hole in the ozone layer and use it as a tool to bring about change in the way the world conducts itself. Did you know that hole is twice the size of Europe?

Did you know that there are more bikes in Copenhagen, Denmark than actual people? How exactly does that work?

So you think that zebras are white with black stripes right? Wrong! Officially they are actually black with white stripes.

If you live in Alaska you can have your pizza delivered by plane. I wonder what the delivery charge is for that!

Did you know that a lion's roar can be heard five miles away? So the next time you think that someone is loud just remember that fact!


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