Amazing Facts The United Kingdom | Interesting Facts About London| Fun Facts About UK In Urdu/Hndi

One of the world’s most influential, powerful, and richest countries, the United Kingdom is an amazing piece of land with a very impressive history and we are almost sure you already know many interesting things about it. However, we bet there are still many United Kingdom fun facts you haven’t heard yet. To learn some new, little known facts about Great Britain including some surprising and interesting facts about England’s history, check out this post with some Fun Facts About The United Kingdom You’ll Want To Know.

Every day, the British drink 165 million cups of tea, which is over 20 times more than the Americans.

At one point in time, the British Empire, the most extensive empire in world history, ruled approximately 1/4 of the world's population and covered about 1/4 of Earth's total land area.
With one in four British adults being obese, the UK has the highest rate of obesity in Europe.

The UK brought the world several sports, most notably soccer, rugby, and polo. However, the British now often lose at these sports to nations that adopted them.

One of the most bizarre cultural facts about England is that it's actually illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
The Queen of the UK, Elizabeth II, has visited more than 116 counties of the world, although she does not have a passport. The reason is simple – she doesn't need to prove her identity. In fact, she is the one who officially issues passports for British citizens.

There is a 'Rent a Mourner' service in the UK to fill your funeral with fake friends.

With 500 recorded cases of ghostly encounters, York, Northern England, is the most haunted city in the UK and one of the most haunted in the world.

Connecting two tiny islands, Westray and Papa Westray in the North Sea, the UK is home to the world's shortest scheduled flight. The flight lasts just 2 minutes.

The Windsor Castle in the English county of Berkshire is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family.


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