Amazing Facts About Death Valley In Urdu/Hindi | Sailing Stones

Death Valley Facts are plentiful because of the long and diverse history. Once you travel to this destination, you will understand why it is so popular and intriguing. The top 10 interesting Death Valley Facts are listed below: 

There are 5 hotels that you can consider for Death Valley National Park lodging, but most people who camp on the grounds prefer the use of an RV or recreational vehicle. 

Other Death Valley National Park facts include the wildlife. Because it is an arid region, many people don’t expect to run into many animals. But, Death Valley is home to over 35 different species of animals, including the Pupfish which only lives in this park. 

The Badwater Death Valley region is approximately 36 meters deep, or -282 feet below sea level. While this pales in comparison to the Dead Sea in the Middle East, there are no other natural valleys this deep in the United States. 

Death Valley campgrounds can accommodate a maximum of 150,000 people at one time. 

Rain is not consistent and this is another one of the Death Valley facts. In fact, during 1929, it did not rain at all. Between 1931 and 1934, only .064 inches of rain was recorded. 

The temperatures in Death Valley can spike to as high as 134 degrees during the peak summer months between June and September. 

More than 900 varieties of plants live in the Death Valley National Park. This is twice as many as the average botanical gardens facility; for the desert, this is quite extraordinary. 

Death Valley was proclaimed a National Monument, effective February 11, 1933; President Herbert Hoover made the announcement.

In 2001, Death Valley reached the highest number of tourists, over 1.1 million visitors traveled to this area to take in the scenery and wildlife. 


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