The Historical Places Of Peshawar | Peshawar City Documentary | History Of Peshawar In Urdu/Hindi

Peshawar is the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and a city of proud Pashtuns. With the world’s second highest population of the Pakhtuns tribe, it has become the center of their arts and culture in Pakistan.

Peshawar is a beautiful city with history that dates back to the Mughal Era, 17th century and even older than that. This ancient town saw the likes of Alexander the Great and Babur and was the pathway for many great civilizations like the Aryans, Persians, Greeks, Mughals and the Mongols. It is a place where those historical streets, buildings and bazaars have changed little in the past hundred years. It is a visual treat for all history lovers. And if you don’t love history already, Peshawar will make you fall in love with your deeply embedded roots.

Here are some interesting things to do if you are in Peshawar

Have a cup of Green Tea at The Qisa Khwani Bazaar

The Qisa Khwani Bazaar, known as the “Street of Storytellers” dates back to 1000 years or so. It takes its name from the professional storytellers who would camp here and entertain soldier and travelers with intriguing stories of love and war. Though those storytellers are gone now, the atmosphere reminisces them. Things have changed very little in over 1000 years; you can just stroll here in the Bazaar and take in the sights. And while you are at it, sit at a tea shop and sip a soothing cup of green tea, known as Kahwa.

Revisit History in the Peshawar Museum

The Peshawar Museum was built in 1905 during the British Colonialist Regime and was known as “Victoria Memorial Hall”. Its two story building features an amalgamation of British, Hindu, South Asian, Buddhist, and Mughal Islamic Architectural style. It is most renowned for its collection of Gandharan art. It currently showcases 14,000 items from various civilizations and include sculptures, coins, household items, weapons, art and crafts, and a lot more. A stroll down the Peshawar Museum will leave you intrigued.

Pay a sacred visit to Mohabat Khan Mosque

The Mohabat Khan Mosque dates back to the Mughal Era of Shah Jehan and Aurangzeb. It was built by Mohabat Khan who was a governor at that time. The mosque is a fine specimen of Mughal Architecture and will truly leave you awe-inspired. Climb to the roof top of this Mosque and look over its vast and open courtyard.

Have a visual treat at the Bala Hisaar Fort

Whether you are coming from Rawalpindi or Khyber, the first thing that will meet your eye when you reach Peshawar is the mighty Bala Hisaar Fort. When passing under the shadows of its huge battlements and ramparts, you just cannot fail to be impressed. What you can do is stand from afar and just admire its beauty. Even if you are flying from South to Peshawar to visit this beautiful Fort, it’s worth it.

Spend an Evening at the Sethi Houses

Sethi Houses in the Sethi Mohallah located in the old walled city of Peshawar will impress anyone who has a keen eye for detail and can admire the beauty of historical art. These houses were home to the Sethi family who were established businessmen with businesses in Central Asia, China, Afghanistan, Iran, and India. These beautiful houses feature carved wooden doors, partitions, balconies, mirrored and painted rooms with a construction design that is a marvel of its own. Step inside and go back in time; you will be swept away by history.

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  1. The history of Peshawar dates back to the times of 539 BCE and makes it the oldest city of Pakistan. And if it’s an ancient city, thus there must be several historical places to visit in Peshawar.
