Most Disturbing Government Secrets  Revealed | Government Secret | Government Revealed In Urdu/Hindi

In recent years there have been numerous scandals involving government agencies, businesses, and cover-ups. Unfortunately, none of this is new. Whether it’s the government or a corporation, it seems that there is always something to hide. Get ready because these are some Most Disturbing Government Secrets (Revealed).

Project Sunshine

In the 1950's there was an operation called Project Sunshine. The Federal government wanted to study the effects of nuclear weapons testing. To accomplish this, they secretly stole over 900 samples from dead bodies without notifying or getting permission from the families or next of kin.

John F Kennedy’s brain

John F Kennedy’s brain was lost before it could be autopsied.

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a plan by the US government to fake attacks on the US in order to fabricate reasons for a takeover of Cuba.

Unit 731

Unit 731 was a Japanese research unit that performed incredibly horrifying war crimes on Korean and Chinese prisoners during World War II. Many of the experiments were on par with what occurred in Nazi concentration camps, but due to some complicated post war political situations, a lot of the “experimenters” were granted immunity and never prosecuted.


Project MKULTRA was a massive mind control experiment by the CIA. Test subjects were forced to ingest LSD and were sometimes even tortured

Manhattan Project

Possibly the greatest declassified event in history was the Manhattan Project. This was the project that led to the creation of the first atomic bomb.

Julia Child

Ever heard of Julia Child? As some of you may know, she was a well-known French chef. In 2008, it was revealed that she had worked for the Office of Strategic Services (what would become the CIA), helping them develop a shark repellent for underwater explosives.


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