At this time of Internet, whatever Google or search engineer wants to know about today or personality, you just know Google search - but do you know that searching for some of the famous celebrities of the world including a famous Pakistani personality Can it be dangerous too?
Yes recently, a list has been released from a cyber security company that allows some of the world's famousest people to move to your smartphone or laptop during search of Google-
Regarding online search, the list has been issued by Cyber Security Company MacAfee and it has been described as dangerous for online tenants of the world.
The most dangerous personality in this list has been described as well-known Canadian singer and songwriter Ariel Levin - Cyber Security Company says that at present your chances of moving your computer or viruses are most likely when you're online now Search line-
Katie Perry, 10th rank singer Beyonce, 9th in other celebrities in this list, is on American pope Sen John Coimbes, an American pf. 8th, 7th place at Justin Biber, DJ on 6th position and singer Celevin Harris, Canadian singer Salen Done, 5th ranked Pakistani-born British singer Zen Malik, ranked fourth, Canadian singer and singer Carley Re Jennifer and second position American singer Bruno Marsh.
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